Voici les éléments 1 - 2 sur 2
  • Publication
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    Toward an Executive Origin for Acquired Phonological Dyslexia: A Case of Specific Deficit of Context-Sensitive Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion Rules
    Auclair-Ouellet, Noémie
    St-Pierre Catherine
    Macoir, Joël
    Phonological dyslexia is a written language disorder characterized by poor reading of nonwords when compared with relatively preserved ability in reading real words. In this study, we report the case of FG, a 74-year-old man with phonological dyslexia. The nature and origin of his reading impairment were assessed using tasks involving activation and explicit manipulation of phonological representations as well as reading of words and nonwords in which the nature and complexity of grapheme-to-phoneme conversion rules (GPC rules) were manipulated. FG also underwent an extensive neuropsychological assessment battery in which he showed impaired performance in tests exploring verbal working memory and executive functions. FG showed no phonological impairment, and his performance was also largely unimpaired for reading words, with no effect of concreteness, grammatical class, morphological complexity, length or nature and complexity of the GPC rules. However, he showed substantial difficulties when asked to read nonwords with contextual GPC rules. The contribution of FG’s executive deficits to his performance in reading is discussed.
  • Publication
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    Phonological or procedural dyslexia: specific deficit of complex grapheme-to-phoneme conversion
    Macoir, Joel
    Saint Pierre, Marie Catherine
    Auclair-Ouellet, Noemie
    Phonological dyslexia is a written language disorder characterized by poor reading of nonwords when compared with relatively preserved ability in reading real words. There are two main theoretical proposals to explain this deficit: disruption of phonological processing or disruption to the non lexical reading route affecting the grapheme-to-phoneme conversion rules (GPC). In this study, we report a single-case study of a mild aphasic patient with acquired phonological dyslexia. His ability was unimpaired for reading words as well as in a wide range of tasks requiring the activation and explicit manipulation of phonological representations. He could also read every non word with consistent GPC rules, whilst he was impaired for those with context sensitive conversion rules, a pattern of performance never reported before. The implications of these results for theoretical explanations of phonological dyslexia are discussed, as well as the contribution of the patient's concomitant executive deficits to his performance in reading.