Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 109
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    Finance de marché et fonds d’investissement durables : la coupure au territoire
    Cet article s’inscrit en géographie de la finance et montre, à l’aide de diverses études de cas, comment l’industrie financière, en s’appropriant le concept de développement durable de manière particulière, a construit sa propre approche de la « valeur financière durable » dans le cadre des fonds d’investissement socialement responsable (ISR). Il explique la manière dont l’industrie financière auto-valide son action en matière de finance « durable » par le recours à des organisations (agences de notation extra-financière et ONGs), des personnalités (experts, leaders d’opinion) ou des institutions (organisations internationales) qui, par leur réputation ou leur position, légitiment la « valeur durable ». Or, si ces acteurs parviennent à animer le débat médiatique, scientifique et politique, ils restent largement sous l’influence de l’industrie financière et ne remettent pas en cause l’essence même des produits financiers, la coupure au territoire. L’absence de territorialisation et de contextualisation territoriale empêchent toute approche forte de la durabilité, fondée sur les acteurs locaux et une opérationnalisation sur un territoire donné.
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    Housing Production, City Financiarization and Spatial Ruptures in Latin America: The Case of Bogota
    The article aims to identify how investments operate in real estate sector in Bogota, in particular housing production, so advertise their impact on the urban morphology in terms of residential density. In one hand, we test the disparities in population densities and consequently housing demand, supporting the hypothesis of existence of a heterogeneous and segregated structure. In the other hand, about the city capacity to integrate people, it denotes the inclusion via housing production for low income and low purchase power families, which it has a different logic front of the market to the rest of city population, then they have allocation decisions and integration process to urban circuit developed in a different way. We propose measure the distances to fundamentals urban equipment to examine the constraints that spatial ruptures imposes to inclusion of these population segment. In methodological training we made a cross section exploration using the Multidimensional City Survey for 2014 and official city information to develop a spatial analysis. Ultimately, we expose some final considerations.
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    Les espaces ruraux: d’une économie productive à une économie résidentielle et présentielle?
    Les activités productives ne sont plus les principaux moteurs du développement des régions suisses. Les régions les plus riches sont celles qui, par leur économie résidentielle et présentielle, parviennent à capter les revenus et à les faire circuler dans la région.
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    Ländliche Räume : Von der produktiven hin zur residentiellen und präsentiellen Ökonomie ?
    Die produktiven Aktivitäten sind in den Regionen der Schweiz nicht mehr der wichtigste Motor für die Einkommensentwicklung. Die wohlhabendsten Räume sind vielmehr jene, denen es aufgrund ihrer residentiellen und präsenziellen Ökonomie gelingt, hohe Einkommen anzuziehen, die den Aufbau lokaler Dienstleistungen rund um Wohnen und Freizeit ermöglichen.
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    Beyond Economic Base Theory: The Role of the Residential Economy in Attracting Income to Swiss Regions
    Regional development theories are mainly focused on export-based activities to explain regional competitiveness. The increasing mobility of workers and residents leads to a reconsideration of this approach. Residential economy has become a strategic issue to generate incomes within regions. With this view, the paper analyses the link between economic activities and incomes from workers and annuitants residents. A spatial typology breakdown is compiled for Swiss regions using a hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). Empirical results highlight various regional development profiles. Conversely to export-based theories, regions with higher income are those with strong residential economy, thus opening new avenues for local governance.
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    Industrie de fonds ISR et la construction de la "valeur financière durable"
    (Neuchâtel Université de Neuchâtel Institut de sociologie, 2015) ; ;
    Avec son offre de fonds d’Investissement socialement responsable (ISR), l’industrie de la finance s’inscrit dans le mouvement général de «Développement durable». Toutefois, malgré la mise en place de dispositifs sociotechniques complexes pour évaluer la « responsabilité » des entreprises, la finance « durable » se heurte à de nombreuses limites. D’une part, la finance et le DD sont mus par des logiques, des principes d’action et les spatialités complètement différents. D’autre part, seule une validation sociale de la «valeur durable» provenant des milieux non financiers serait à même d’évaluer la durabilité des activités économiques.
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    A comprhensive socio-economic model of the experience economy: the territorial stage
    (London/New York: Routledge, 2015) ; ;
    Lorentzen, Anne
    Topsø Larsen, Karin
    Schrøder, Lise
    This paper deals with the economic dimension of the experience economy, i.e. how economic value is created between customers and producers and is articulated to monetary transactions. After discussing the Pine & Gilmore’s metaphor of stage and concept of admission fees, we propose the model of the Territorial Stage constituted by two elements. First, the Territorial Stage depends on the accumulation of transactions along history (complex process in time and space). Second, the accumulation of the transactions constitutes the territorial stage under a concrete dimension (arrangement, spatial organization, activities, etc.) and a symbolic dimension (image, reputation, level of range and price). From this core concept, we then suggest an operational typology of Territorial Economic Transactions (TETs) to analyse the history of Swiss tourism resorts. Indeed, tourism resorts are good examples of the fact that value, in the experience economy, is not produced at the scale of a business but beyond companies. Conclusions suggest that today’s development of the EE is the result of a double movement of ‘touristification’. First, the mobility of people increases and opens infinite possibilities to develop presential transactions. Second, traditional goods are more and more transformed into goods enriched by symbolic territorial meanings.
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    Sustainability and the Anchoring of Capital: Negotiations Surrounding Two Major Urban Projects in Switzerland
    Sustainability and the anchoring of capital: negotiations surrounding two major urban projects in Switzerland, Regional Studies. This article deals with the anchoring of mobile financial capital in the city and urban sustainability. Illustrated by a case study in the Swiss context, it develops the theory that new forms of negotiation are appearing around urban projects. Development/construction firms are playing a central role: they are capable of evaluating and translating the multiple dimensions of a project and certain sustainability challenges into financial terms, in a way that permits the anchoring of capital in the city. In parallel, the issue of sustainability depends greatly on the capacity of the local actors to negotiate with the promoters of urban projects.